decision making

2.  Tactical verses Strategic Problem Solving (example II)

2. Tactical verses Strategic Problem Solving (example II)

Tactical verses Strategic Problem Solving Sometimes we address Strategic Problems with Tactical solutions and wonder why they fail in the long run.  This causes us to question our decision making and problem solving processes, as it should.  This example may help orient one to consider addressing root problems rather than symptoms of the problem.  A simple example of decision making and problem solving at both the tactical and strategic levels lies with the struggle of fighting the common cold.   When one has a cold, we look for remedies or medication to minimize the pains associated with the cold –…

3.  Tactical vs. Strategic Problem Solving (example I)

3. Tactical vs. Strategic Problem Solving (example I)

Shift your thinking Problem identification is perhaps the most critical step of any Problem Solving Process.  Get it wrong and regardless of your analysis and how well you execute your solution, you may still be confronted with the same issue after all the effort.  To help identify the problem (and therefore the solution) shift your thinking from a tactical to a strategic frame of mind.  (Tactical vs Strategic Problem solving) In Alaska, many adventurous people love to trek in the untamed wilderness.  As the ‘untamed wilds’ is just five minutes out of any town, such experiences are common.  In season, bears…

8.  Every Organization Lies (Organizational Myths)

8. Every Organization Lies (Organizational Myths)

Myths & Lies Organizational Myths and lies.  Every organizations lies to perpetuate itself, and it enlists the aid of those who are perpetuated by it (knowingly or unknowingly). Every organization has myths about what behavior, actions, or practices will help its members get ahead. The challenge of the aspiring young employee is to know which myths are useful and which to avoid. That’s not easy because they can be ingrained in the very culture of the organization. One such ‘big lie’ that’s been around the Army for many years is that an officer should never pass up an opportunity to…

11.  Staff Officers Rule the World

11. Staff Officers Rule the World

Self Delusion? Most Officers flatter themselves by thinking of themselves as commanders, and the occasional staff officer. For most, they believe time as a staff officer is just a holding pattern until the next command comes along! For most Officers, this is self-delusion! Although many officers will serve wonderfully long careers in a majority of command positions, the vast majority of officers will spend the preponderance of their career in staff positions.  They’ll punctuate that ‘time in hell’ with the occasional, short command. The Army is smart. With long experience, it knows when to dangle the carrot to keep its…

12.  Being a Leader (and an Ass)

12. Being a Leader (and an Ass)

Leadership through Tough Love? Sometimes when in a leadership position you find yourself preserving your sanity by being an Ass. I’m not sure it’s always a good thing, but sometimes it’s not bad. Soldiers come and go from platoons. On one occasion while leading a platoon in the 82d Airborne Division, we received a new soldier, fresh from truck driver and airborne schools. He was apparently a bit nervous, but also a bit cocky. This was not a bad combination, it was one the Platoon Sergeant, and I could easily deal with to integrate him effectively into the platoon. Unfortunately…